Drowning in Narcissus’ Pond

A✨narcissist✨will create a revolving door of praise around themselves. They will ensure that nobody believes your side of the story. If you complain about them, everyone will say, “I’ve never had a problem with X.” They ALWAYS have people to stroke their ego. A narcissist has a steady stream of validation, and if someone questions that, they are seen as jealous. Often, such people will publicly express a veneer of insecurity.

These people NEED their ego-boosters, so by pretending to be supportive and humble, they attract potential suckers. I can say with certainty that I have met three narcissists, and only one have them has been found out. You will find that people go to the extremes for them by exclaiming how inspirational they are. A narcissist concocts an environment where they are the best of the best: where nobody is like them.

Pay attention to how people describe them. If you’re a generally well-adjusted person, people will talk of how kind you are, but there is no inflation. The cash cow for a narcissist will often say phrases like, “Nobody is like X,” “X is an inspiration,” “X is one of the best at ?.”

NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) often goes hand in hand with other personality disorders. Key points of the DSM for this disorder are: Resentment of others or a conviction that others are resentful of him or her, no form of empathy, a desire for unwarranted admiration, and A credence that he or she is extraordinary and exceptional and can only be understood by, or should connect with, other extraordinary or important people or institutions.

A narcissist will typically express their hatred for the ‘mediocre’. They will talk of how someone was / is unworthy of praise or cheerleading. They will often place themselves in a position of power; a place where they can judge others with reason.

On social media, they will portray a sense of selflessness by courting attention then PUBLICLY claiming to hate it. This is mostly evident in photographs / selfies. There is no straight answer. If someone really enjoys the attention, they usually will admit that. However, narcissists like to spin yarns because it keeps questions at bay.

However, if you’re like me, you have no tolerance for this kind of person. If it’s any comfort, the power you hold by letting them know you understand their game is unmatched. They are forever trying to keep you from breaking their spinning plates. Understand that the day will come when they can’t stay afloat anymore, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

The power in knowing may take away some of the frustration. I know how hard it is to see someone’s true nature while they fool everyone else. But trust me—their time will come. It takes longer for some than others, but if you get the chance to say something, keeping it simple and direct will elevate your status in power. Don’t let the narcissist have power over you, EVER. They are the cubic zirconias of humanity.


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