
This coming November, my very first sibling will enter the world. When I was a child, I adored fantasy stories such as Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, etc. Feeling as though I have lost my magical side in the last few years, I thought I would try and create my own. That’s where Pozzywallah comes in!

The land of Pozzywallah will bring you lots of weird and eerie stories. They will not talk down to you, but treat you as an intelligent being. These stories will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. What exactly is Pozzywallah?

Elements of Pozzywallah:

1. Two Seasons

In Pozzywallah, there are just two seasons: Autumn and Winter. This means that harvest is the last time for crops to grow naturally, otherwise Pozzywallah is mostly bare albeit covered in snow. Therefore, the land is separated by six months for each season.

2. Magenta Market

In Pozzywallah, all illegal or underhanded items are sold on the Magenta Market. Most often, the operators of the stalls are mudlarks.

These are just some of the elements of Pozzywallah, but be warned, things are ever changing. Pozzywallah is a topsy-turvy world that is not only a mystery to you, but to its residents too.

Dr. Wintooth and the Giant Hogweed:

The first tale I am working on is a retelling of Frankenstein. Dr. Wintooth, a keen horticulturist, accidentally makes a giant hogweed come to life! What could possibly go wrong with a walking and talking poisonous plant?

If you like the sound of Pozzywallah, do subscribe and await the first story!

Author’s Note: The stories will go up on the Pozzywallah Substack.

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